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District News – 08 February 2022

This Week's News

Spring Synod

We are delighted to be returning to Cliff College for our next Representative Synod on Saturday 2 April.

Sharing Stories of God at work in our lives is a life-giving part of flourishing Christian communities. Yet our churches so often lack confidence or imperative to share. We will explore the impacts of telling and listening to stories, and try out a range of ways to get started. As well as our usual synod business of holding the life of our District.

Synod members will be receiving the usual Calling Papers, but you don't have to wait until then before registering:

Lent Knitalong

Knitters at Victoria Methodist Church (Bristol) are holding their third Lent knitalong this year and would warmly welcome knitters from all over the country (and beyond!) to join them.
The knitalong will take the format of weekly emails throughout Lent, consisting of a set of daily knitting instructions (or 'clues') and specially written meditations for each day.
By the end of the knitalong, each knitter will have completed a cushion cover. The design of the cushion cover is a surprise but will only use simple knit and purl stitches, so should be achievable by knitters of all abilities.
Alongside each knitting clue will be a daily meditation which knitters may wish to use as they knit and enjoy some quiet, reflective time as they journey through Lent. The meditations have been written by a team of seven Ministers, preachers and worship leaders from the Bristol area and beyond.
An information sheet, containing details of yarn/needles needed, release dates, and a practice swatch pattern to check gauge (for those worried about these things!) will be sent out on Monday 14th February.
For further details, or to sign up for the emails, contact Lyn Lloyd-Jones at

Kingdom-Based Evangelism

Those who tried to follow the link in last week's mailing may have discovered that the UTU Website was not available.
It should all be working now:

Cliff College Trek

11th-14th April 2022

Join Cliff College as they retrace the route of the last Cliff Trek from 1960. In partnership with the Lancashire Methodist District, the Trek will start in Leyland and finish in Morecambe, visiting 10 churches in total.

To join us for some or any of the Trek, visit

Invitation to School Chaplaincy

Methodist Schools are running an 'Invitation to School Chaplaincy' event for anyone who is on the threshold of schools work – maybe you have just started in a school, or you've been stationed to a circuit with a school... or maybe it's just an area that interests you? Maybe you've been doing it for a while but would like to refresh your thinking – you are welcome too!

We'll have people sharing ideas for good practice and others sharing understanding of the value and opportunities of the role. This session will be in the context of Methodist Schools but applicable across the sector.

We'll be running it online on the afternoon of Thursday 3 March if you'd like to join us, please email the schools office,

Methodist Zero Carbon Group – Open Zoom Invitation

We are delighted to invite you to a special Zoom on Thursday 10 February from 5.30 pm to 7 pm when we will reflect together on COP26, hear from Operation Noah and A Rocha on this year`s Zero Carbon priorities; and work on the contribution that we have been asked to make to Action for Hope, the Connexional Methodist ambition to become a net zero carbon emissions church by 2030. This plan will initially focus on three key areas:

  • Faith-consistent use of assets – including investments, purchasing power, buildings and land.
  • Wisdom – including theology, liturgies and prayer.
  • Lifestyles – including traditions of simple living.

Your engagement, support, advocacy and commitment will make all the difference.
Register at

Party Planning for Mission

Tuesday 15 February 7.30pm

Community parties are a great way to reach out to our communities in mission. So, grab a bowl of trifle and put on your party hats, and come and join the webinar as we explore the practicalities of planning a community event that is rooted in prayer and that brings together the whole neighbourhood to celebrate together. Whether your church is in a rural or urban context, a one-off event can be a wonderful way to build relationships and reach new people. But what do we need to consider when we're planning? How can we make sure we're being inclusive? And how might we incorporate prayer?

Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus – A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

9-19 May 2022

It is always moving to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, there is so much to experience and learn together. St Jerome said: 'Five Gospels record the life of Jesus. Four you will find in books and the one you will find in the land they call Holy.' I invite you to come and know this for yourselves.
Reading the Gospels will never be the same again and by visiting the Holy Land we are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters there too; to have the chance to meet the 'living stones', the local Palestinian and Israeli Christians, who are the ongoing, living church in the region, is humbling.
Want to know more? Have a look at the brochure here Revd Steve P Jakeman

District Safeguarding Update

Virtual Safeguarding Conference update

Thank you to everyone who attended last weeks virtual safeguarding conference. Other than the technical issues on Tuesday we had an excellent week. We are in the process of collating all the recordings, session notes and other information together. Once this has been done we will publish the link so people can assess everything in their own time.

'Dementia Friendly Churches' Webinar

The Connexional Safeguarding Team hosted a fascinating Zoom webinar on the topic of making our churches more Dementia-Friendly on Tuesday 30 November.
The webinar can now be viewed on our website in its entirety here: Making our churches more dementia friendly webinar
You may also be interested in the resources produced to support the webinar, which include: questions and answers, a recommended reading list, useful websites and transcripts of all the talks
Kate Little, Dementia Lead

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer.


Regional Retreats

Coming to Rest: Going in Peace" with Nick Helm -17-19 May 2022

In this retreat we'll take time to move from active ministry to a 'quiet place' to stop, rest, reflect. From this place we will reflect on our experience of ministry in the light of Luke 10 – Jesus' sending out of the seventy-two. Seeking in this to recognise the life-giving affirmations of Christ, draw upon his peace that we are able to go from the retreat with greater peace in our soul.
Nick Helm is the Advisor in Spirituality in Hereford Diocese. He has held roles with responsibility for Spirituality and spiritual development in the Sheffield and Hereford Dioceses.
Cost: £220. Those in the Yorkshire Plus Region who have not attended a retreat previously in this connectional year will receive a £110 subsidy from their District. You are also free to seek further funding locally from your Circuit or local church.
Register for a place here:
Registration closes on 10 March 2022

Lay Leadership Skills

1 March 2022

Join the Learning Network Yorkshire Plus Team for a day exploring leadership for lay people working in the Methodist Church:.

Suitable for: youth, children & family workers, community leaders, class leaders, lay missioners, local pastors etc.
They will be exploring the themes of:

  • Leadership styles
  • Leadership skills
  • Leading meetings
  • Managing volunteers
  • Encouraging participation
  • Team and group dynamics
  • Conflict styles

Register in advance here:
Numbers are limited, so book early!

Circuit Steward Training

Wednesdays 7-9pm, 9th-30th March

These four sessions, on consecutive Wednesday evenings, introduce new local Circuit Stewards to expectations and responsibilities of serving in this area of circuit leadership and will refresh existing Circuit Steward in their ongoing learning and development.

  • The Calling and Role of the Circuit Steward
  • Being Distinctively Methodist
  • Positive Working Together
  • Continuing to Learn

To learn more, visit the link:

Evangelism in an Interfaith Context webinar

7:30pm Thursday 10 March

Jesus tells us to 'go out and make disciples', but what kind of evangelism, if any, is appropriate in an inter-faith context? Is our ultimate aim to convert our siblings of other faiths to Christianity, or can we be confident Christian witnesses while learning from and celebrating the differences in one another's religions?
in This webinar co-hosted by St Philip's Centre in Leicester and the Evangelism and Growth team of the Methodist Church will tackle these questions and more. There will be an interfaith panel, a theological reflection, a chance to discuss, and some practical guidance.
Important questions given the diverse contexts in which many people across our district live and work.
Register here:

Mental Health First Aid

In addition to the dates advertised in last week's mailing, there are now further training opportunities as follows:


Courses are delivered over 4 sessions. For each session there is also some required preparatory e-learning.

Bookings close 3 weeks before the start of each course. Please note that by booking you are committing to paying for a place, attending all sessions and completing the pre-course online learning.

In-person Training

Please note that both dates must be attended.The Rivergreen Methodist Hub, Nottingham: 22nd and 23rd February 2022, 9am-5pmTo book:

Healing Conference 2022 at Methodist Central Hall Westminster

The 2022 Healing Conference returns to the Great Hall on Saturday 14 May 2022 from 10.00am to 4.30pm.
Keynote speaker is Carolyn Lawrence, Ex-Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, bringing her experience of working alongside individuals and groups seeking healing and wholeness.
Worship will again be led by Dave Bilbrough and opportunities will be given to receive personal prayer ministry.

Book your place now through 2022.
Peter Edwards

Other News

The Well – Children, Youth & Family work


We are currently shaping our team's strategy for supporting and resourcing the local church in its ministry with children, young people and families. We want this to be based on what you think you need with regards to resources, training, inspiration and encouragement.

You maybe looking for ideas to help you develop a vision and infrastructure to start new work with children, young people and families, or you may be looking to develop and grow your existing ministry.

Tell us what is happening for you, so that we can better resource and support. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete so please do grab a cuppa and complete our questionnaire.

And Finally

I am pleased to let you know of a new monthly Monday service led and hosted by the Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy starting on Monday 7th March in the main conference room at the Agricultural Business Centre in Bakewell. The service will be short and structured with readings and prayers and start at 10 am with complimentary tea and coffee available. Anyone is welcome to come along and the venue is fully accessible. There's no need to book, just turn up.
More information can be downloaded here: Monday Service

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District