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District News – 04 January 2022

This Week's News

Welcome to 2022!

We start a new calendar year and wonder what lies ahead. Christmas decorations are taken down, and for many churches this is the time when the annual Covenant service takes place. The last few years have certainly seemed to be echoing the promise we make there, from being put to doing to being laid aside. There have been joys and sorrows, but as Graham Kendrick wrote "for this we have Jesus". May you continue to know his presence in the coming months.

District Safeguarding Update

'Speaking Truth: Voices of Survivors of childhood abuse' webinar series

Two informative and thought-provoking webinars are being planned by the Methodist Survivors' Advisory Group members for an audience across the Methodist Church. The webinars are aimed at a broad audience from Safeguarding Officers and those in leadership roles to anyone wishing to learn how to be more welcoming and inclusive towards survivors of abuse within our church:

Wed 19 January 2022, 11am – 12:30pm

Webinar 1 – Hearing Reality: Voices Crying in The Wilderness

In Webinar 1 we will hear something of the history and prevalence of childhood abuse in this country. We will learn of the impact of abuse upon survivors, both how it affects them throughout their childhood but also the long-term effects of abuse throughout the life course of the survivor.
Register in advance for this webinar:

Wed 23 February 2022, 11am – 12:30pm

Webinar 2 – The Church's Response to Survivors: From Stumbling Block to Stepping Stone

In Webinar 2 – The Church's Response to Survivors: From Stumbling Block to Stepping Stone, we will be introduced to a consideration of the theology of safeguarding and how erroneous interpretations of scripture have been used to justify suffering or to force survivors to forgive. We will learn how childhood abuse affects future faith and the survivor's understanding of God and church.
Register in advance for this webinar:

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer.



What is Encounter?

It is a place to deepen your awareness of God; an opportunity to reflect on your faith journey; a supportive small group environment for sharing and learning together; a place to help you discern your unique calling.

How do I find out more about Encounter?

Book via Eventbrite to attend one of the online taster evenings on 6th January or 12th January 2022
Contact either Tricia Mitchell ( or Sharon Nugent ( for more information or go to Encounter ( )

Positively Rural – Family Engagement

Tuesday 18 January 7:30pm

Lucy Moore (Messy Church) and Caroline Hewlett (Forest Church) explore ways in which we can engage families and work with them in a rural context.
Register here:
Deadline: 15 January
Positively Rural is an online community hosted by the Yorkshire Plus Learning Network, but open to anyone of any denomination involved in rural ministry, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy.

Lay Worker's Community of Practice

The next Zoom gathering for all lay employees within the Methodist Church (or beyond) will be onWednesday 9 Februaryfrom 10-1pm.
This session will look at how we can use technology to help us in our roles. Questions for the panel are requested in advance.
More details, including how to register will follow shortly.

Regional Retreat

The Yorkshire Plus region of the Learning Network organises residential retreats for Presbyters, Deacons and Lay Employees within the Methodist Church. These are subsidised for those stationed/working with the three Districts (Sheffield; Yorkshire North & East, and Yorkshire West) and priority will go to those in active work. Supernumeraries and those outside the three Districts can apply for a place, but this cannot be guaranteed until 8 weeks before the date of the residential."

Coming to Rest: Going in Peace" with Nick Helm -17-19 May 2021

In this retreat we'll take time to move from active ministry to a 'quiet place' to stop, rest, reflect. From this place we will reflect on our experience of ministry in the light of Luke 10 – Jesus' sending out of the seventy-two. Seeking in this to recognise the life-giving affirmations of Christ, draw upon his peace that we are able to go from the retreat with greater peace in our soul.

Nick Helm is the Advisor in Spirituality in Hereford Diocese. He has held roles with responsibility for Spirituality and spiritual development in the Sheffield and Hereford Dioceses.

Cost: £220. Those in the Yorkshire Plus Region who have not attended a retreat previously in this connectional year will receive a £110 subsidy from their District. You are also free to seek further funding locally. from your Circuit or local church.
Register for a place here:
Registration closes on 10 March 2022

Online Retreat

For those who may find it difficult to take time away from the home, the Learning Network are putting on another one-day Regional Retreat.

Hospitality and Sanctuary for All

Wednesday 23 March from 9:30 to 4:30
Together with Interjit Bhogal we will explore the joys and challenges of working with refugees using biblical themes such as hospitality, welcome and sanctuary.
Registration now open:
Full details in the flyer here: Online Retreat

Cliff Festival 2022 – tickets now on sale!

After two years of celebrating Cliff Festival online, we can't wait to welcome you back to the Cliff College site for Cliff Festival 2022 (1-5 June). Our theme is Jubilee: Rule and Reign and we're excited to explore what it means to live under the rule and reign of the King of kings, Jesus Christ, who calls us to proclaim his gospel of salvation and to work together for justice and righteousness. Tickets are available via our website – but hurry, our prices will go up at the end of January!
Book now.

Healing Conference 2022 at Methodist Central Hall Westminster

The 2022 Healing Conference returns to the Great Hall on Saturday 14 May 2022 from 10.00am to 4.30pm.
Keynote speaker is Carolyn Lawrence, Ex-Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, bringing her experience of working alongside individuals and groups seeking healing and wholeness.
Worship will again be led by Dave Bilbrough and opportunities will be given to receive personal prayer ministry.

Book your place now through 2022.
Peter Edwards


Property Manager

The King's Cross Church, Hexthorpe, Doncaster

The Role

To provide quality building management skills, maintenance and cleaning alongside routine financial administration duties.
The King's Cross Church has a mission to grow and nurture wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ through sharing God's love in words and actions.

9 hours/week at £11.50/hour
Initial contract is for 2 years pending additional funding
Application packs available by email from

Closing date for applications: 19 January 2022

Community Pioneer

Derbyshire North East Circuit

We are seeking a pioneer to lead the establishment of new Christian communities in the post-industrial village of Barrow Hill and in south Chesterfield, neighbourhoods experiencing significant economic deprivation as "left behind places".
You will undertake and enable authentic evangelism, transformational discipleship practices, and nurture self-sustaining leadership from within these new Christian communities.
You will be committed to being church at the margins, working in partnership, growing community and forming contextually relevant church.
You will be at the centre of one of the first pilots for the national Methodist New Places for New People movement.
Further details at
Closing date: 18 January

Other News

Big Jubilee Lunch

Make a date to celebrate your community and say thanks to neighbours

The Big Jubilee Lunch brings neighbours and communities together – join millions across the UK sharing friendship, food and fun.

There are more reasons than ever to celebrate as The Big Jubilee Lunch kicks off a summer of community, and everyone's invited! It's the perfect way to say thank you to the people and places that make our communities great, so let's take to our streets, gardens and neighbourhoods to have fun and get to know one another a little better

You can join in on The Big Jubilee Lunch weekend from 2-5 June 2022, or anytime that works for you and your neighbours, throughout the Month of Community in June.

Set a date and start planning your event now!

Check out this film to find out more about The Big Lunch 2021 and order your Free Big Lunch pack at:

and finally

Thought for the month

Our friends at Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy share the reflection writting by Alison Fletcher, one of their associate Rural Chaplains.
May her words be an encouragement as we step into 2022 not on our own, but knowing that God is with us no matter what challenges we encounter.
Thought for January

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District