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District News – 01 February 2022

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This Week's News

Safeguarding Conference

Due to technical issues, the first session has been moved to Thursday at 10am. Registration for this will be open until 12 noon tomorrow (Wednesday)
Book your place here:

Creating New Places for New People

Over the weekend more than 30 people from across all our Circuits met to explore what it might mean to create new Christian communities – new places for new people – within our District.

You can read more about the event here and what our plans are for the future.

St Agatha's Community Kickstart Fund

helps organisations and churches of all denominations to deliver initiatives and services that will help build stronger communities, especially (but not exclusively) amongst those in the poorest and most deprived areas. Grants of up to £500 are awarded to help churches with their mission to support their community, and also to help projects linked to other faith groups, or those with none.

Applicants must be based within the geographical area of Sheffield Diocese: Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster and Goole. Excluded are grants in support of political parties, funding of individuals, support of major appeals and on-going funding of salaries and church fabric appeals.

Further details at

Your Thoughts Matter – Communications

We are looking at how we share news and information so we've created a survey about using social media, our District newsletters & website. It'll only take a you a few minutes to fill in, but what you say does really matter and will help to shape our communications in the future.

Kingdom-Based Evangelism

Kingdom-based Evangelism is a shorthand term for the kind of radical, open, liberating and respectful approach to faith-sharing and discipleship that has been at the heart of UTU's work from the outset.
These free downloadable resources have been written by a wide group of practitioner theologians from within the Anglican, Catholic, Baptist and Methodist traditions, brought together to create new materials about sharing faith from within this paradigm. They are aimed at ministers and lay or ordained people working for the churches or Christian projects. They include a study Guide for home groups.

All We Can's 2022 Lent

Resources 'Let Wisdom Speak'

All We Can's 2022 Lent Resources 'Let Wisdom Speak' are now available. This year's resources centre on the voices of women across All We Can's partners as well as Methodist Women in Britain. You can find out more here.

District Safeguarding Update

How to Support Your Church Safeguarding Officer update

Thank you to all those who attended the last session on Thursday 13th January. For those who were unable to join us on the evening you are now able to access the presentation by clicking here.

The next session is on Tuesday 15th February at 7.00pm when I will be reflecting on one of the most important roles of the Church Safeguarding Officer, that is to 'Inform all those with responsibility for recruitment, whether paid or voluntary, of their obligation to follow safer recruitment procedures'. The session will include:

  • 10 steps to Safer Recruitment
  • Establishing best practice regarding lone working

If you would like to attend the session please register via this link:
Booking is essential.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.


Cooking with Hope for Palestine

6-8pm Friday 4 February via Zoom

Cook along with Phoebe Rison and her mama Nadia. Bring your own ingredients (you'll be told in advance what you need) and listen to their first-hand stories while you make some Palestinian snacks.

7-8pm Rev. John Howard , former Methodist Mission Partner in Bethlehem, will introduce Cry for Hope: A Call to Decisive Action. Learn more about this important call for action from Palestinian churches which Conference commended for prayer and study.

Register and find out more at:

Women's World Day of Prayer

Join us for conversations with women from England and Germany around the topics raised by the WWDP 2022 material which has been prepared by the ecumenical committed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The first meeting was held on 13 December on the theme of "Women", followed by a session onon Wednesday 26 January on "Climate Crisis"
The final session will be on Tuesday 8 February on "Ecumenical Links"

Register your interest via this form: (Women only)

Lent Lectures from the Bishop of Sheffield

Bishop Pete Wilcox will be delivering a pair of devotional lectures three times over across the Diocese in Lent: in Rotherham Minister on 8 and 14 March at 7.30pm; in Sheffield Cathedral on 22 and 29 March at 7pm (refreshments from 6.30pm) and in Doncaster Minster on 23 and 30 March at 7pm.

The title of the lectures is 'Human Beings in Time and Space: Genesis 1 & 2 and the challenge of the climate emergency'. The first lecture, 'Human Beings in Time' attempts an exposition of Genesis 1.1-2.4a; and the second, 'Human beings in Space' focuses on Genesis 2.4b-25. In both lectures Bishop Pete seeks to show that the Bible passages constitute a mandate for Christians to act with urgency in the face of climate change. He will argue that in Genesis 1 humanity is commissioned by God to act as his regents in the care of creation, and in Genesis 2 as his priests. Bishop Pete hopes to enable Christians to see new things in these familiar texts, but will also be offering practical suggestions about how we might respond faithfully to these challenging chapters of Scripture.

Lent Course on Cry for Hope: A Call to Decisive Action

The Methodist Conference 2021 commended the document Cry for Hope : A Call to Decisive Action for prayer and study by the Methodist people. This course has been prepared to resource such study and provide a format for use by Lent groups or at other times of the year. It is suitable for either live or Zoom meetings. Each week includes two speakers and written course materials with questions for discussion, a prayer, and suggestions for action. Full details are available on the website:

Quiet Days with Harlequin Arts

A series of four creative quiet days, brought to Whirlow by Karen Herrick.

The days for a maximum of 12 participants will be mostly quiet with some led, Bible-based reflections. All art materials will be provided; no experience required.

The dates are Friday 22 July (Shine), Saturday 17 September (Banners), Saturday 26 November (Advent) and Friday 6 January 2023 (Epiphany). Reserve a place on one or more days for £35 each, or book the series of four for £125.
Full details, including how to book, can be found here:

Save the Date for 3Gen 2022!

We're really excited to announce that this year's Children and Youth Assembly will be back at the NEC in Birmingham and will take place from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October.

Mark the date on your calendar now and keep your eye on The Well News and our web pages for further details

Connexional Training Events

Growing through Change and Conflict

Wednesday 30 March

A one day workshop to consider how conflict works in ourselves and in our church community, and develop some simple tools to transform situations of tension, conflict and change.

To book your place for 30th March please go to:
For more information contact Brec
Bookings close on Monday 21st March 2022

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.
Usually the course costs £300, however if you are connected to the Methodist Church it's been subsidised to £50 (non refundable).

Bookings close 3 weeks before the start of each course. Please note that by booking you are committing to paying for a place, attending all sessions and completing pre-course online learning.

Bullying and Harassment

Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April 2022

Understanding the dynamics of bullying and harassment, and exploring ways of responding with dignity and respect.
Join a group to explore some basic techniques to create good practices in ministry that address negative behaviour.

This course takes place over two mornings, please be available for both Wednesday and Thursday.

To book your place for 6th and 7th April please go to:

For more information contact Jon
Bookings close on Monday 28th March 2022


The King's Cross Church are seeking:

Property Manager

To provide quality building management for The Junction and The Crossing, arranging and maintaining licences, leases and tenancies, managing maintenance and cleaning, alongside routine financial duties.

Fundraising and Media Officer

To enable growth and development of the community hub by raising funds, creating networking opportunities and optimising the media presence of "The Junction, Church and Crossing".

Both roles are for 9 hours a week at £11.50/hour. Funding is confirmed for 2 years and additional funding is being sought to continue the roles.
Application packs available by email from

For an informal conversation before making an application please contact the Rev Jon Bellfield at

Closing date for applications: 10 February 2022

And finally

Thought for the Month of February

Chris Morris, Chair of the Farming Life Centre brings this months reflection "From darkness to light..."

It's been the British winter! Despite the real joy of celebrating Christ's birth and welcoming back family times together, the weather was pretty grim over Christmas and it was soon getting dark again after we had had our lunch! Fortunately, January has been brighter, but colder, and we are seeing the welcome lengthening of daylight hours. The resilient snowdrop emerges again, fighting through dark, cold, wet and sometimes hard soil, putting great encouragement into our hearts.

You can read the full reflection here: DRC Thought for the month

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District