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District Celebration Service

We held a district service to celebrate all those involved in children, youth, families and schools work at Grove Street Methodist Church, Retford.

Volunteers, Lay Workers and Presbyters gathered on Sunday afternoon to recognise the importance of this work and to say thank you for everyone's dedication.

During the celebration led by Revd. Julie Coates, we heard stories about Messy Church, how faith journey's started as young people and what it's like to be a volunteer leader.

Prayer stations where placed around the church to provide positive affirmations, share supportive messages and prayers for young people. At the end the service people where invited to write the names of children and young people who could be prayed for and they were flown from the balcony and you where able to pick one up to take home.

During the service certificates and goody bags where presented to those work or volunteer with children and young people.

Vic Loveday, District Children and Youth Coordinator said: "There are so many people in this district who work hard and offer up their time to share the love of Jesus Christ with children and young people. This can be delivering Messy Church or Godly Play, visiting schools, running Sunday school or being part of a youth club or holiday club. All these activities plus many more are giving youngsters the chance to experience and learn more about God and are helping to grow disciples. The service was a way to celebrate all of this and to say a big thank you."

If you'd like to recognise someone in your church or circuit for all their work with children and young people you can download a certificate from here.

You can watch a highlights video from the service here.

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0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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