It's now 24 months since coronavirus forced us to lock the doors to our church buildings. An explosion of digital experimentation and adaption followed. Some transferring existing church to Zoom or emailed/ printed materials – some translation into new formats – some transformation into entirely new models.
With few official experts and no training manual we have each discovered different responses for our own contexts. Lots of midnight oil was burnt in the process. Mistakes were made along the way. But lifelines were provided to a world in turmoil.
And, as the world keeps turning, we now wrestle with how to balance the needs of analogue church alongside newfound digital possibilities.
This is an opportunity for people from across our district involved in digital church in any way to gather, take stock, build supportive networks, ask questions, and explore what would help each of us now.
Whatever your role or how expert/amateur you define yourself we value your insight at these sessions – preachers, worship leaders, technicians, IT gurus, essayists, digital congregants, youtubers and TikTokers etc etc – Christ's avatar has many parts.
This registration covers both Tuesday 29 and Thursday 31 March – we will run twice to make accessible for as many people as possible, you can come to either or both
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB