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Festivals-a tool for rural mission

festivalsa tool for rural mission

Festivals-a tool for rural mission

Tuesday 16 April – 1pm

Building confidence around being a Christian presence at rural festivals through hearing experiences and sharing stories.

A panel of speakers will share their experiences of attending rural festivals and offering their top tips.

  • Carollyn McDonald is a retired priest whose ministry was in suburban and rural contexts in Derbyshire. She has experience in well dressing festivals as well as village and country festivals. Carollyn is now living in rural Northumberland supporting Churches Together, and everyday Spirituality.
  • Andrew Webb is rural lead for the Yorkshire West Methodist District and lives and works on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales national Park. He is part of the Church on Show Committee which organises the churches presence at the Great Yorkshire Show.
  • Alison Fletcher is one of the team at Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy. As such, she has a wealth of experience in attending rural events.
  • Katie Deadman-Vernall is a Learning Development manager based in South Hampshire and has been a part of the inception, design, delivery and review of mission in rural festivals.

There will also be opportunities to share experiences in smaller break-out groups.
Book your place here:

The session will be held on Zoom and the link emailed out to those who have registered nearer the start time.

Positively Rural is an online community hosted by the Learning Network, but open to anyone of any denomination involved in rural ministry, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy.

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0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

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Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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