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Lay Stationing Rep

gill daly

Lay Stationing Rep – Gill Daly

I'm Gill Daly, and I'm the Sheffield District Lay Stationing Representative. The role entails working with our Chair of District to ensure that the stationing process for the District is carried out in accordance with standing orders and Connexional guidelines. The stationing process seeks to discern what the Holy Spirit is saying to presbyters, deacons and Circuits about how the Church's resources, in terms of its ordained ministers, are best deployed. Within the District, it provides training, guidance and support to ministers and Circuits with both extension of invitations and new invitations. For each stationing cycle, the stationing process does not conclude until the stations are adopted by the Conference. The Sheffield District has in recent years organised an annual Stationing Forum, where Circuits can hear from each other, are invited to explore stationing needs, and reflect upon ministerial and mission priorities.

In practical terms, alongside the Chair of District, I help provide training for Circuits, and meetings with individual ministers and their families, at appropriate points in the process. I am available for support throughout the process, where there is a particular focus on the production of ministerial and Circuit profiles. I attend Yorkshire Plus Regional stationing meetings, and any training provided in the role by Connexion. I am a member of the District Leadership Team, and report, and am accountable, to them.

I can be contacted at

More information on the Stationing process can be found on these pages: Stationing

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District