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Ecumenical Officers

Ecumenical Officers

Our ecumenical officers play a key role in facilitating both formal and relational joint working with other denominations. They provide a link between local churches and circuits, the Connexional Ecumenical Officer, and their counterparts in other denominations.

They carry a depth of expertise regarding Local Ecumenical Arrangements and church schools, and must be consulted prior to making changes to any of the formal agreements underpinning these.

Chris Sissons (South Yorkshire)

You can contact Chris Sissons by email:

Revd. Paul King (Derbyshire)

My role is to be one of the District Ecumenical Officers, looking after the Derbyshire portion of the Sheffield Methodist District – Derbyshire North East and Peak circuits and the Derbyshire part of the Sheffield Circuit.

This triggers a further engagement in the 'shell' of Churches Together in Derbyshire, with its annual Derbyshire Day and responsibility for LEPs as an 'Intermediate Body'.

You can contact Paul by email – or on the phone 01246 270936

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

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